Friday, September 3, 2010

DAY3: Sell a body part on Gumtree

Today I advertised my leg for sale on gumtree.


I dunnnoooo

My ad had been removed since i posted it but i did screen shot...

DAY3: **PASS**

Thursday, September 2, 2010

DAY2: Learn First Verse of Star Spangled Banner

Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?

Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thru the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?

And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.

O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

I wish Advance Australia Fair was as good as Star Spangled banner =(

DAY2: **PASS**

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

DAY1 - Attended a Steps Class

For Day 1 I Attended a Steps class at my local gym. Could have been the most embarrassing thing I have ever done. Aside from being the only guy in the class we had to 'step' to Beyonce Single Ladies with one of the moves being called 'Show me your ring'... I die.

But i guess its all for charity.

Crawled up the stairs when i got home.

Now thinking about what i shall do tomorrow.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

30 Days has September

Today marks the start of '30 Days has September' a charity organization raising money for the Ted Noffs Foundation to help them help Kids suffering from Substance abuse, mental illness and Homelessness.

Each day during September I will be doing something I have never done before in my life.
Im not really sure how i am going to come up with 30 things, dont even know what im doing for day 1! but ill work it out.

You can follow each of my days on here. Not sure how long i will last for, But i will try.

Stay tuned for day 1 later.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Green Tea

As of late I have ditched coffee and moved onto Green Tea and i think you should all do the same.

The health benefits are phenomenal.

3+ cups of green tea a day can lower cholesterol, prevent heart disease, give you a healthier complexion, slow aging, increase weight loss by 30% and help against the formation of cancer cells.

WOW! Wonder Tea. Plus it makes you feel amazing.

Please. I would like you all to live as long as I am going to...

Monday, May 31, 2010

Not just Cupcakes on Pitt

The search continued today, yes I know I've already had a macaroon today but im just to excited and had to strike another Macaroon distributor off my list.

Cupcakes on Pitt (323-327 Pitt St Sydney). As my blog title suggests, Its not just Cupcakes!
After running through the city in the cold and rain (something I wasn't expect to do for a blog) I made it to the store just before it closed. Greeted by a window display of perfectly round ganache filled macaroons I couldn't get inside fast enough.
Slightly out of breath I ordered a box of 5 flavoured disks, If i was going to do this I was going all out. One by one my treats where packed in
to a cute box and out the door I went, back into the cold and rain.

Now I sit here in my lounge room with an array of colours and flavours to enjoy.
Here goes...

Oh vanilla. Classic, Crisp and Clean. This is what a macaroon should taste like!
Im literally in heaven... a beautiful subtle vanilla almond flavour
filled with smooth vanilla ganache.

Even Better than Vanilla. Juicy Juicy Juicy. But still not to sweet. Perfection!

Wow! Im gob smacked! I was thinking ' Here comes the ultra sweet sugar hit' But no. The flavours are quiet artful. It lingers on the palate for a few seconds then disappears throwing you face forward back in for another bite. Genius!!

Forget about red bull, Raspberry Macaroons give you Wings... and a matching tutu for a perfect Fairies Party! A pale pink petal of raspberry cream. This ones is a little sweeter than the others, not to sweet... Just rite.

Last but not least

'Mum and Dads Favourite'. Zesty and fresh! Orange is defiantly for the adults. Being my least favourite of the 5 It still beats the maca's of Black Star Pastry

In conclusion. Cupcakes on Pitt is going to be hard to beat!! Nothing but Tradition! The perfect Macaroon.

4 star for Cupcakes on Pitt

Sunday, May 30, 2010

2 Stars for Black Star

This morning before work I ventured to Newtown in search of Black Star Pastry. On arriving at my location (277 Australia St, Newtown) I was greated by the beautiful smell of fresh ground coffee and a huge plate of Macaroons, The flavour in subject : Coconut and Passionfruit. After waiting some time for service I purchased my treat for $3.50 and in turn took my first bite. Traditional? No. My palate being new to the taste of macaroons I was subject to the less traditional coconut coated version of the sweet. Fan? not really. Frankly, the sweet was a little sweet. And from what I have read and been told a macaroon should have a subtle sweetness and not a 'Ive put to much sugar in this passion fruit filling' kind of taste. And on the subject of filling, once again a less traditional approach was taken. Instead of a creamy flavoured ganache I was greated with Icing sugar mixed with passion fruit. Im not saying it didnt tasted good, but I can safely say this macaroon will not take out the title of 'The Best Macaroon in Sydney'

I award Black Star with 2 Stars.